1. I liked how Mr. Haymore always had a quote for us each time we had this class, and he explained thoroughly what it meant.
2. I didn't like typing tutor because although i don't type perfectly i am okay with that
3. I feel like if you influence the students SO MUCH in being a great student and going to college some might just want to do the opposite
4. Every day was a highlight for me. I learned so much in this class it made me think of what i want for my self in the future
5. I know I was capable of doing much better, i had a bad attitude some days which is not good at all
6. I write for 5 min daily in my life planning note book, i re read what I want for myself later in life.
7. Yes, I a committed to being a CTR person all the time. Choosing the right benefits you a thousand times more.
8. To never let other people come between you not being successful, or for you not choosing the right thing to do
9. I will always remember how Mr. Haymore believed in each one of us, he always told us that we were capable that we can be great human beings
About me
I am Brenda Serrano I am a student at Linda Marquez High School on the Hpiam floor. I am a cheerleader as well here at Marquez. Cheerleading is my hobby, its what i do in my free time, it represents who I am.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
“You will go far with CTR” -Mr. Haymore
Friday, June 3, 2016
Challenges Teens Face Today
Something that a teenager might stress about nowadays is bullying. Cyber bullying, verbal bullying, and even physical bullying. I go through many problems at home so most of the time i am very moody, but I tell myself that the problems you’re facing now won’t mean nothing in a couple of years or even months. Being a CTR person helps you overcome any obstacle that comes across your life because as long as you do the right thing ALL the time you will have nothing to worry about. We can give teens that are have a tough time advice, telling them that maybe what they’re going through isn’t something they should actually be stressing about.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Greater Values
Malik Stewart is a high school wrestler who goes compete at state champions, although he loses he still goes shakes the other teammates and his father’s hand as well. He was not angry with them. He acted extremely humble about it. Both contestants were great but one did it better than the other. Roman Chapa was in a horse riding race but he wanted to win so bad that he decided to cheat. He electrocuted his horse just so it could go faster, and when they caught him he still lied and denied that he had not done that. Don't be a Roman chapo, such a bitter person. Be a Malik Stewart, kind and humble.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating” -Sophocles
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day
What is memorial day? A day in which those who died in military service are remembered
When is it? May 30th
What are some ways to show honor and respect on memorial day? Fly the flag, visit a veterans cemetery
I will go visit the cemetery where my cousin is at because he past away serving for our country.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Yoga therapist
Duties and Responsibilities- demonstrate how to perform exercises and routines
Salary- $36,200
Education- associates or bacehlors degree related to health or fitness field
Demand- communication skills, listening skills, physical fitness, motivation skills
Reflection- No I would not consider being a yoga therapist because it seems like a plain dull job.
Monday, May 23, 2016
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.” -Dan Dierdorf
Everyone is capable of being great, anybody can be successful if you chose the right pathway. Set a goal for yourself and make sure you accomplish it. Whether they’re short term or long term goals. Be positive about everything you do. The human body is capable of doing almost anything, it’s your mentality that needs to change.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Good Values
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values” -Dennis Prager
You can be the wealthiest person on earth, with the most prestigious items but if you don’t have good values you don’t have anything. What is the point of having so many wonderful things if your characteristics are horrible. You don’t have to physically be rich as long as you have a great attitude and good values. That is what matters the most.
Duties and Responsibilities- examine animals to diagnose their health problems, perform surgery on animals
Salary- $88,490
Education- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at an accredited or veterinarian school
Demand- compassion, community skills, problem solver
Reflection- No i would not like to be a veterinarian because i personally wouldn’t enjoy working with animals
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
An Internal Phenomenon
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self esteem.” -Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Reward’s are not always about getting a gift, or getting money. A reward can be just making someone else feel better or being honest or just working hard. For example, if a senior women is carrying a ton of bags and she is having a hard time you decide to help her by laying off some weight on herself. You feel good about yourself because you were kind enough to take time out of your day to help somebody else.
Sports Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities- area of medical practice with the treatment of injuries from sports activities
Salary- $161,205
Education- bachelor’s degree, doctor of medicine degree, pre- med classes in biology, anatomy, and chemistry
Demands- respect, being in shape, respect all medical conditions
Reflection- No, I would not like to be a Sports Medicine because it doesn’t catch my attention.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Phillip Riggs Four success Tips
- Work Hard
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
- Don’t chase after money
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Right Thing
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing” -Theodore Roosevelt
Always choose the right. Even if there will be a negative consequence to it, it is still the right thing to do. You will feel good about yourself when you decide to do the right thing. You will feel amazing when you choose the right even if it’s in the smallest way. Instead of feeling negative, think positive and always do what is best for you and what is the right thing to do.
Marine Biologist
Duties and responsibilities- study of organisms in the ocean or other marine animals
Salary- $124,680
Education- bachelors, masters degree, phd in marine biology
Demand- organizing, processing information, making decisions and solving problems
Reflection- Yes, I would definitely consider becoming a marine biologist. It seems extremely interesting.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Do the right thing at the right time
“It’s a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.” -Pam Knox
You have to have courage, having courage will be beneficial. If someone is always scared to stand up for themselves or simply speak up you are not being a CTR person. For example, if a friend tells you to go smoke with them but you know that isn’t the right thing to do you have to speak and firmly say ‘NO’, but if you’re scared and say ‘yes’ you are not being brave, and you aren’t being an assertive person. Stand up for yourself, have pride. Don’t be a follower. You do you.
Speech Pathologist
Duties and responsibilities- evaluate patients level of speech, identify treatment options
Salary- $76,760
Education- masters degree
Demand- communication skills, compassion, listening skills
Reflection- No i would not like to be a speech pathologist because i don’t think it will be the right career for me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
“I have been asked what I mean by ‘Word of Honor’. I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first” -Karl G. Maesar
This quote is trying to tell us to never break our promise if we give our word to someone then we have to accomplish it and not let them down. They trusted us and if we don’t keep our word then it’s possible that they will our trust. We always have to keep our word no matter the circumstance. For example, if a friend asked you to help them wash their car on a certain day and time it is your responsibility to be there. If you decide you don’t want to go or something came up you are still breaking the promise. No excuses.
Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities- discover new methods of human health
Salary- $64,000
Education- phd required, biology or related degree, licensure for those who treat patients
Demand- communication, critical thinking, data analysis, observation skills
Reflection- This career does seem interesting. Yes I would like to become a Medical Scientist.
Friday, April 29, 2016
The 10 Indian Commandments
- Treat the earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
- Remain close to great spirit
- Show great respect to your fellow beings
- Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
- Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
- Do what you know to be right.
- Look after the well being of mind and body
- Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
- Be truthful and honest all the time.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions
These commandments should not only be for Indians, it should be for all od us. We should all learn and take these 10 commandments and take these into consideration and do them too.
Duties and Responsibilities- therapy based on certain areas of the feet
Salary- $39,760
Education- associate’s degree, state license
Demand- good communication, listening skills, good communication
Reflection- No I would not like to be a reflexologist because it doesn’t interest me, and I think touching others people’s feet is unsanitary.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
“A promise must never be broken” -Alexander Hamilton
Promises isn’t just saying that you will do something or go somewhere for sure, it is also about trust. If you make a promise to somebody that person is trusting you to keep it. But if you don’t then they may lose your trust and they will always think bad about you. If you keep making promises and you keep breaking them they will just not trust you anymore. Losing someone’s trust is not good at all. You will lose many things if you lose somebody’s trust. You didn’t chose the right, which is probably the worse mistake you can ever do. Always keep your word. You’re not always going to chose the right and honestly that is perfectly fine because what is life without risks. Not fun at all. You don’t have much time. So why are you going to be all safe with anything you do? I don’t think you always have to chose the right , because you don’t. That is no fun. So enjoy life. And do whatever you want to do.
Registered Nurse
Duties and responsibilities- a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program and met the requirement outlined by a country, state
Salary- $65,470
Education- associates degree in nursing, bachelors of science in nursing, masters of science in nursing
Demand- understanding the supply, distribution, and educational pipeline of nurses is key
Reflection- No i would not like to be a registered nurse because i feel as if i can do much more that that.
Monday, April 25, 2016
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” -Henry David Thoreau
Being good to people will never bring you down. It will show the best of you. It will not only make the other person feel good but it will make you feel good about yourself as well. There is no need to be mean and have a nasty attitude. Life is to short for that. That’s why you have to enjoy it while you can. Goodness will never bring you down. The way you treat people that is how you will get treated back.
Recreation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities- treatment service designed to restore, remidate and rehabiliate a person’s level of functioning and independence
Salary- $52,645
Education- associates, bachelors and masters degree, high school diploma
Demand- leadership skills, therapist must be able to plan and develop, patience, speaking skills
Reflection- No i would not like to be a recreation therapist because it seems like a borin
Thursday, April 21, 2016
They’re Right
“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because you’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”
-Theodore Hesburgh
Life wasn’t meant to be easy. If everything was easy everyone would be happy and successful. No challenges to overcome, nor goals because everything will be so easy it will just be handed to you. You have to reach for the highest. Just because something is easier and requires less work does not mean that it will be great. Greatness only comes to those who work hard. You don’t choose to do anything because of the value and how it can benefit you in the social way.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Sound and Good
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound’ (not good) -Joseph Smith
We have to influence others to do good. We can show other people that not only bad things can make you “popular” but doing good can too. Doing bad things does not make you cool, it makes you an idiot. For example, if you think failing a test makes you cool, it doesn’t. There is no need for you to chose the wrong. You can be “popular” as well if you do your work. Stay away from drugs and just simply do good.
Duties and responsibilities- helping clients reflect on issues to help make positive changes, setting up any confidential conversations.
Salary- $81,599
Education- masters degree, licensed therapist, classes in interpersonal group.
Demand- You have to be able to talk with your patient, keep personal information to yourself, give good advice, comfort them
Reflection- No, I would not like to be a therapist because although you are helping people it seems like a really boring job.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
"Character is higher than intellect." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thinking is a big part of life. With out being open minded or having different thoughts you will not get anywhere. Technology is beyond advanced, but sometimes we just need to let that go and do some thinking of our own. You also need to express what your thoughts are at times. It can be very beneficial if you let out what you're thinking or what you want.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.” -Brigham Young
Doing the right things will always give you many benefits. You will be great, get freedom, get independence when you decide to do the right thing. If you choose the wrong you will get consequences, and you won’t be happy with them. You have to think of what is going to make you successful and happy. Which choice will make you the better person. Nothing good ever comes from choosing the wrong. Always choose the right. Great things will happen to those that do.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
The truly good
“They’re only truly great who are truly good.” -George Champan
Any person that is trying to do good will automatically be great. If you are not a good person you will never be a truly great person. Maybe you’ll earn your way up by cheating, but that will not make you a great person because you are not choosing the right and going down the wrong pathway. If you want to be great remember to do it the correct and humble way. The fair way. Instead of cheating yourself. There is consequences for everything you do. The real question is, will you want the good or the bad consequences. That’s up to you.
Radiation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities -operates machines called linear accelerators which are used for radiation therapy
Salary - $77,560
Education associate degree
Reflection- No i would not like to be a radiation therapist it doesnt catch my attention. It wont be something i will be able to do as a career.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
"I wont cheat" -Dale Murphey
Cheating is never good. No matter the circumstance you are in. It can affect many people if you cheat, mainly yourself. its not good for your mental nor physical health. Life is hard, there are many obstacles in life. But how well you play thats up to you. We dont need people to me motivating us or supporting us to keep foing good. You can be independent with no one on your side and you can still be choosing the right. Every second of life you have to think to youself and know what you are going to want in the future. If you cheat you will get no where. Nobody benfits from cheating. You can work hard. This is your arena. Many people think of life id different perspectives. And sometimes thats what we need. Cheating is never right.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

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