About me

I am Brenda Serrano I am a student at Linda Marquez High School on the Hpiam floor. I am a cheerleader as well here at Marquez. Cheerleading is my hobby, its what i do in my free time, it represents who I am.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

1. I liked how Mr. Haymore always had a quote for us each time we had this class, and he explained thoroughly what it meant.

2. I didn't like typing tutor because although i don't type perfectly i am okay with that

3. I feel like if you influence the students SO MUCH in being a great student and going to college some might just want to do the opposite

4. Every day was a highlight for me. I learned so much in this class it made me think of what i want for my self in the future

5. I know I was capable of doing much better, i had a bad attitude some days which is not good at all

6. I write for 5 min daily in my life planning note book, i re read what I want for myself later in life.

7. Yes, I a committed to being a CTR person all the time. Choosing the right benefits you a thousand times more.

8. To never let other people come between you not being successful, or for you not choosing the right thing to do

9. I will always remember how Mr. Haymore believed in each one of us, he always told us that we were capable that we can be great human beings
“You will go far with CTR” -Mr. Haymore
As long as you always chose the right you will be successful. Nobody should ever prevent you from choosing the right 24/7. Distant yourself from the people that will bring you down with them. Make yourself be better in every aspect of life. Instead of dreaming what you want to do in the future make it a goal and accomplish it. Everyone is capable of being extraordinary, not everyone is willing to work hard for it. Be determined, work hard, accomplish your goals. Be successful. Do great things with your life. Be confident and choose the right. Always.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

Something that a teenager might stress about nowadays is bullying. Cyber bullying, verbal bullying, and even physical bullying. I go through many problems at home so most of the time i am very moody, but I tell myself that the problems you’re facing now won’t mean nothing in a couple of years or even months. Being a CTR person helps you overcome any obstacle that comes across your life because as long as you do the right thing ALL the time you will have nothing to worry about. We can give teens that are have a tough time advice, telling them that maybe what they’re going through isn’t something they should actually be stressing about.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Greater Values

Malik Stewart is a high school wrestler who goes compete at state champions, although he loses he still goes shakes the other teammates and his father’s hand as well. He was not angry with them. He acted extremely humble about it. Both contestants were great but one did it better than the other. Roman Chapa was in a horse riding race but he wanted to win so bad that he decided to cheat. He electrocuted his horse just so it could go faster, and when they caught him he still lied and denied that he had not done that. Don't be a Roman chapo, such a bitter person. Be a Malik Stewart, kind and humble.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating” -Sophocles
It is better to lose honorably and fairly than to win by cheating. If you lose fairly then at least you tried and gave it you all. You are only cheating yourself if you win by cheating/ copying. If you keep failing don’t give up, keep trying your best until you reach your goal.  
Texting teen drivers

  1. Teens texting and driving is a serious health issue
  2. 60% of car crashes involving teens are caused by them talking, texting, or simply just getting distracted, this happens more often in summer
  3. Teenagers
  4. $20 fine for your first time, each time after thats is $50
